๐Ÿช™High-Dol : IDOL

We have already minted the 500,000 IDOL Token to be distributed and sold during the IDO in August 2022.

The High Dol - IDOL is a SPL Governance Token on the Solana Blockchain and is the token of the WeedoVerse DAO.

We will create 500 000 Tokens, 25% of this Token will be distributed to the Founders, Advisors, Celebrities, Key Companies, Key Team Mates and to the starting Community supporters.

The remain 75% will be sold step by step to Partners, Investors and the Community

With these tokens, one can create and vote on governance proposals. Community members can spend tokens to directly influence the direction and characteristics of a protocol. It is possible to:

  • Vote for different fees (funds)

  • Implement UI changes

  • Change fee reward distribution

  • Revise dev fund

  • And much more

You Can Earn IDOL

by staking IDOL

by staking $WDV

by participating in Monthly / Quarterly / Yearly Challenges

by playing Special Games after consuming your weed... the ones that are NFTs, dude!

Last updated