$WDV Stake & Rewards

15% of the $WDV total supply will be distributed through the next 5 years


Staking is a way for us to reward our community's members for having a long term mindset with us and locking up some of their $WDV tokens. By staking your $WDV in your WeedoBank Account (Wallet), youโ€™ll be able to earn $WDV rewards. How easy is that, right?

The rewards are given on a quarterly basis and can be used right away or you can choose to stake it again to earn even more. You can claim your rewards from the WeedoVerse Website.

Token Amount% of SupplyToken Release



Gradual over 5 years


Tokens will also be used for distribution to players as rewards for contributing to the game through many activities: participating in challenges, playing certain games at certain times, doing community missions to contribute in the game development. Part of the rewards will be given to all players when they reach new XP levels along the way.

Token Amount% of SupplyToken Release



Gradual over 5 years

Last updated