๐ŸชTransforming The Bud

Once players got Buds stocked up in their barn, they can use different tools to transform them into edibles or concentrates that can be sold at a higher price, or consumed to benefit from every weed strain's awesome visual and audio effects as well as the boost that will accelerate production time on your farm.

Transforming harvested Bud into edibles

Players can transform their Buds into the following edibles. If they decide to CONSUME their transformed product, they will earn more XP points and gain longer BOOST as opposed to directly just smoking the weed in a joint.

Each product gives unique visual and audio effects to their perception (can be toggled off according to player's preference, but where would the fun be?), as well as the ability to go and enjoy themselves in the special mini-games that are only accessible while being high.

Cannabis Concentrates

Concentrates are products made by extracting the THC (the good stuff that gets you really high!) out of the Bud through various extraction methods. All of this takes place in the Extraction Lab which players have to set up on their Farm. Concentrates are the most potent and most advanced products in WeedoFarm, players will need to fill their Lab with the necessary tools to create these extracts, and these tools don't last forever, keep in mind that the utility NFTs have a limited lifespan, they will break when reached their maximum hours of usage. These are the most valuable products in WeedoFarm, players will be able to unlock them in the later stage of the WeedoFarm storyline once they have mastered the other techniques of CannaCraft.

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